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- (********************************************************************
- :Program. SuperPlay.mod
- :Contents. interface module for superplay.library
- :Copyright. © 1994 by Andreas R. Kleinert
- :Language. Oberon-2
- :Translator. A+L Amiga Oberon Compiler V3.11d
- :History. V4.1 indy 23-Dec-95 first translation of c include
- :History. V5.1 indy 07-Jan-96 update to c include V5.1(8.8.96)
- :History. change GetErrorString() e.STRPTR TO e.LSTRPTR
- *********************************************************************)
- MODULE SuperPlay;
- (* $VER: SuperPlay 5.1 (07.01.96)
- * !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!!
- * Before procedures of this module may be used, you have to check
- * SuperPlay.base#NIL because opening SuperPlay fails on Amigas without
- * SuperPlay.library V4.0+.
- * If you want to use procedures of this module which needs
- * SuperPlay.library > V4.0 you have to check SuperPlay.base.libNode.version
- * (SuperPlay.LibVer()).
- Example:
- --------
- sp: SuperPlay,
- io;
- IF sp.base=NIL THEN
- io.WriteString ("I need SuperPlay.library V4.0+\n"); END;
- (* Example for Version >= V4.0+ check *)
- IF sp.LibVer(sp.base)<5 THEN
- io.WriteString ("I need SuperPlay.library V4.0+\n"); END;
- END;
- This Oberon-2 interface module contains the c-includes:
- -------------------------------------------------------
- superplay/superplaybase.h
- Version : 5.1
- Date : 8.8.1996
- Written by : Andreas R. Kleinert
- superplay/superplay.h
- Version : 5.1
- Date : 8.8.1996
- Written by : Andreas R. Kleinert
- *)
- e *: Exec,
- d *: Dos,
- dt *: Datatypes,
- i *: Intuition,
- iff *: IFFParse,
- u *: Utility,
- spo *: spObjects;
- (*****************************************************************************)
- name - = "superplay.library";
- (***************************************
- * superplay/superplay.h *
- * Version : 5.1 *
- * Date : 8.8.1996 *
- * Written by : Andreas R. Kleinert *
- ****************************************)
- (***************************************************
- * *
- * Version Defines *
- * *
- ***************************************************)
- libMinimum = 5 ; (* lowest supported version *)
- libVersion = 5; (* just for info, should not be used anywhere *)
- (***************************************************
- * *
- * MACROs for Version-Tests *
- * *
- ***************************************************)
- PROCEDURE LibVer*(lib: e.LibraryPtr): INTEGER;
- RETURN lib.version;
- END LibVer;
- RETURN LibVer(e.SysBase);
- END OSVer;
- SuperPlayBasePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO SuperPlayBase;
- (***************************************************
- * *
- * *
- ***************************************************)
- (* Possible FileTypes *)
- filetypeNone - = 0;
- filetypeUnknown - = filetypeNone;
- (*
- above : External, user defined FileTypes
- (defined EACH TIME NEW at Library's startup-time).
- *)
- filetypeIllegal - = 0FFFFFFFFH;
- (* Possible SubTypes of FileTypes *)
- subtypeNone - = 0;
- subtypeUnknown - = subtypeNone;
- (*
- above : External, user defined FileSubTypes
- (defined EACH TIME NEW at Library's startup-time).
- *)
- subtypeIllegal - = 0FFFFFFFFH;
- (* Possible Input and Output mediums *)
- mediumNone - = 0;
- mediumIllegal - = 0FFFFFFFFH;
- mediumDisk - = 1; (* Play and Write options *)
- mediumClip - = 2;
- (* might not be supported by all kinds of File(Sub)Types *)
- (***************************************************
- * *
- * Function Error Codes *
- * *
- ***************************************************)
- errMaxErrorTextLength - = 80; (* plus Null-Byte *)
- errNoError - = 0;
- errInternalError - = 0FFFFFFFFH;
- errUnknownFileFormat - = 1;
- errFileNotFound - = 2;
- errNoMemory - = 3;
- errIFFParseError - = 4;
- errNoClipboard - = 5;
- errNoFile - = 6;
- errNoHandle - = 7;
- errNoData - = 8;
- errNoInformation - = 9;
- errIllegalAccess - = 10;
- errDecodeError - = 11;
- errUnknownParameters - = 12;
- errActionNotSupported - = 13;
- errNoChannels - = 14;
- errVersionConflict - = 15;
- errNoSamplesLoaded - = 16;
- (* Each new Library-Subversion may contain new Codes above
- the last one of these.
- So do not interpret the codes directly, but use
- SPL_GetErrorString.
- Maybe, newer Codes might not be listed up here.
- *)
- (************************************
- * superplay/superplaybase.h *
- * Version : 5.1 *
- * Date : 8.8.1996 *
- * Written by : Andreas R. Kleinert *
- ************************************)
- (*
- All entries are READ-ONLY.
- The private entries should NEVER be accessed.
- Oberon-2:
- spObjectList is define as read- and writeable because with
- Oberon V3.11d its not possible to get the address of a read only
- variable with SYSTEM.ADR().
- *)
- SuperPlayBase - = STRUCT (libNode - : e.Library)
- segList - : e.APTR;
- sysBase - : e.ExecBasePtr;
- dosBase - : d.DosLibraryPtr;
- intuitionBase - : i.IntuitionBasePtr;
- spObjectList * : e.List;
- private1 - : LONGINT;
- private2 - : LONGINT;
- utilityBase - : u.UtilityBasePtr;
- iffParseBase - : e.LibraryPtr; (* may be NULL *)
- dataTypesBase - : e.LibraryPtr; (* may be NULL *)
- END;
- base -: SuperPlayBasePtr;
- (* Functions available since Version 1 *)
- PROCEDURE AllocHandle * {base, - 30} (future{9}: e.APTR): e.APTR;
- PROCEDURE FreeHandle * {base, - 36} (handle{9}: e.APTR);
- PROCEDURE StopReplay * {base, - 42} (handle{9}: e.APTR);
- PROCEDURE FreeResources * {base, - 48} (handle{9}: e.APTR);
- PROCEDURE SuperPlay * {base, - 54} (handle{9}: e.APTR; filename{10}: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE SuperWrite * {base, - 60} (handle{9}, sourceHandle{10}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE InitHandleAsDOS * {base, - 66} (handle{9}, future{10}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE InitHandleAsClip* {base, - 72} (handle{9}, future{10}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE SetWriteType * {base, - 78} (handle{9}: e.APTR; writeType{10}: LONGINT; future{11}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE GetErrorString * {base, - 84} (errorCode{9}: LONGINT): e.LSTRPTR;
- PROCEDURE SetWriteName * {base, - 90} (handle{9}: e.APTR; writeName{10}: ARRAY OF CHAR; future{11}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE FileInfoRequest * {base, - 96} (handle{9}: e.APTR; window{10}: i.WindowPtr; future{11}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE SetReqIOWindow * {base, -102} (handle{9}: e.APTR; window{10}: i.WindowPtr): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE ReadPlayData * {base, -108} (handle{9}: e.APTR; filename{10}: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE ContinueReplay * {base, -114} (handle{9}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE FastForward * {base, -120} (handle{9}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE FastBackward * {base, -126} (handle{9}: e.APTR): LONGINT;
- (* Functions added with Version 2 *)
- PROCEDURE GetSampleList * {base, -132} (handle{9}: e.APTR; list{10}: UNTRACED POINTER TO spo.SampleListPtr): LONGINT;
- PROCEDURE SetSampleList * {base, -138} (handle{9}: e.APTR; list{10}: spo.SampleListPtr): LONGINT;
- (* Functions added with Version 4 *)
- PROCEDURE GetFileType * {base, -144} (handle{9}: e.APTR; filename{10}: ARRAY OF CHAR; fileType{11}: UNTRACED POINTER TO LONGINT): LONGINT;
- base := e.OpenLibrary(name, 4);
- IF base#NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(base) END;
- END SuperPlay.